Title: Configurations.
Media: Video. Dimensions variable.
Year: 2002.
Exhibited: September 17 - October 8, 2004.
"Occurrences: the performative space of video" Gallerie Soliel. Lexington, KY, USA.
Exhibited: December 11, 2003 - February 13, 2004.
"Occurrences: the performative space of video" Betty Rymer Gallery. Chicago, IL, USA.
Exhibited: (Video Installation Version)
September 13, 2002.
"Spareroom Annual Group Show" The Spareroom, Chicago, IL, USA.
Performers: Leah Finch, Nicole LeGette.
Thank You: Leah Finch, Nicole LeGette, Malin Lindelow, Trevor Martin, Tyler Myers, and The Spareroom.
Groping blindly in a virtual void, two performers contort their masked, padded bodies through grotesque variations on yogic stretching. From the camera's unmoving frontal perspective, their twisting contortions create illusions of recombinant limbs. The performance reconfigures the figures.
Configurations has been presented as a single-channel video, and as a single- or two-channel video installation. In installation, the video is positioned to reward those who consciously configure their own bodies by assuming "unnatural" viewing postures.